Personal InformationFirst NameLast NameCompany NameStreet Address 1Street Address 2CityStateZipEmailCell PhoneHome PhoneWork PhoneFaxBusiness InformationCommencement DateEnding Date (if seasonal)KioskIn-line LeasingRetail Merchandising Unit (RMU)Concept/Product InformationWho is your target customer?MaleFemaleMale and FemaleSelect Target Customer Age GroupUnder 1818 - 2425 - 3435 - 4445 - 54Over 55Select Target Customer Income LevelUnder $15,000$15,000-$24,999$25,000-$34,999$35,000-$49,000$50,000-$74,999$75,000-$99,999$100,000 or moreWhat will be your average price point?What sales volume would you project for your concept?Monthly Projected SalesYearly Projected SalesIs your merchandise …Hand-crafted by yourselfWholesaledFranchisedPlease Describe in detailAttach image of product or RMUDo you have established resources/suppliers for the product you will sell?YesNoHow long does it take to receive or produce your product?OvernightOne WeekTwo WeeksOne MonthMore than one monthHave you operated any other businesses?YesNoHave you operated businesses in any other mall before?Location No. 1PermanentTemporary/SeasonalDatesSalesLocation No. 2PermanentTemporary/SeasonalDatesSalesLocation No. 3PermanentTemporary/SeasonalDatesSales What is five plus one?